2023 UCD Conway Winter Multicolor Flow Cytometry Workshop
In person course,12-14 December 2023; 10:00 - 16:30 daily

Who should attend?
Our target audience are individuals with basic or advanced knowledge of cytometry in research, commercial or clinical environments wishing to learn: the main concepts of multicolor flow cytometry; tips and tricks to improve their data; develop their own multicolor panel; and learn advanced software for data reanalysis. The major focus of the course will be multicolor panels in immunology.
What will I learn from this course? We will review the basic concepts and principles of fluorochromes and fluorescent dyes. We will provide tips and tricks to optimise instruments and samples and explain the different controls needed to ensure that your flow cytometry experiments will yield accurate results. We will review why and how to compensate, along with the provision of tools to improve the compensation matrices. Learning the fundamentals of multicolor panel design and we will familiarise participants with OMIP panels. We will show you how to interpret published material, and the best practices for presenting data. We will help you to develop high standards of practice, explore new applications and employ contemporary methods using cutting-edge instrumentation and 3rd party analysis software (Kaluza and Cytobank).
Key information & deadlines:
Places available: 40
Registration Closing: Monday, 04 December 2023 (Please note: registrations may close early if capacity is reached. Book early to avoid disappointment)
Cost: €150 (Academic, in-person rate)
Location: UCD O'Brien Centre for Science Rooms: George Moore Auditorium (ground floor)
Practical session will take place at the E2.46 Undergrad Teaching Lab (2nd Floor)
For more information download the file below or visit UCD website