Pint of Science Ireland Festival May 2021
Pint of Science brings in some of the most brilliant scientists to discuss their latest research and findings with you.
This year, the Pint of Science Ireland team (RCN: 20204755) took science out of the pub and into homes around the country and beyond! Ten virtual events were held over 3 nights, 17-19 May with almost 1400 people registered for a spot in the virtual pub!
ISI postdoc rep/communications co-lead Megan Hanlon was the POS Ireland Co-Director for 2021 and several events this year featured prominent Irish Immunologists.
Let’s take a look back at some of these events. All webinars were recorded and will feature on the Pint of Science YouTube Channel very soon!

Immunity vs Disease
Fighting cancer using other people's immune systems
Dr Cathal Harmon (Cancer immunologist, Harvard University).
After college I worked as a Medical Scientist in the HSE. I saw firsthand the difficulties in the treatment of cancer patients. I thought there must be a better way to treat patients without the toxic side effects of chemo and radiation. My research initially focused on liver cancer and how tumours can cripple the immune system over time. My work now focuses on using immune cells from fit and healthy people to supplement cancer patients own immune systems and overcome the tumours negative effects. One day your immune cells could cure someone else’s cancer.
Age-related disease and loss of neuro function
Professor Marina Lynch (Professor of Cellular Neuroscience, TCD, ISI Annual Award for Immunology Recipient 2019).
Professor Marina Lynch is Adjunct Professor in Physiology, Trinity College Dublin, a Fellow Emeritus of the college, and researcher in the Trinity College Institute of Neurosciences. She received a PhD from Trinity College and received post-doctoral training in King’s College London and the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill in London before returning to an academic position in Trinity College. Her research focuses on understanding the role of neuroinflammation in age-related and disease-related loss of neuronal function, in particular Alzheimer’s disease.
How our immune system works
Dr Rukmani Sridharan (Science writer and editor).
Rukmani Sridharan, PhD is a Science Writer and Editor with a background in Bioengineering & Immunology. Her research focused on studying the effect of implanted biomaterials on the immune system, figuring out ways to design better materials that can be accepted by our body. She has worked on diverse biomedical solutions such as immune engineering, nerve regeneration, stem cell therapy, and is passionate about communicating biomedical science to audiences. She will discuss
aspects of our immune system that are pivotal in determining if a foreign object is going to be welcome in our body or not.
Health Buzz
Microbes aren't just bad guys!
Dr Danny Johnston (UCD Charles Institute of Dermatology, ISI Young EFIS Representative).
Microbes are all over our bodies and environments. Your bugs are a big part of what makes you "you"!
Much more than infectious bad guys, microbes can train our immune system, control our mood and help us create molecules essential for life.
This talk will bring you through the wonderful world of our personal microbes and how we can take care of them to help us live healthier lives.
For more info on Pint of Science and how to get involved next year please visit their website
